if you take them
Offer Evaluation > Price Negotiations > Contractual Support > Post Merger Integration
Target Definition Together with our customers we define the target company based on our customer’s strategy and other specific criteria. This sophisticated starting process plays an important role for the subsequent well structured search and selection process.
Search for Target Companies We use our large network and database to search for qualified acquisition objects. Beside the structured search methods, we apply creative measures as well as ways of directly addressing members of the target group.
Acquisition Financing The financing landscape for acquisitions is complex and diverse. Our customers benefit from our experience with transacted projects as well as from our superb contacts to renowned financing partners.
Due Diligence Coordination We support the vendee during this sensitive phase, covering all issues related to the audit of the target company.
The review process is related to subjects like Legal, Tax, Financing, Commercial, Strategy, Environment, Risk Management, Human Resources, Engineering and Information Technologies.